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Member Protection
Member Protection at Sorrento SLSC
Sorrento SLSC is committed to providing a safe and inclusive environment for our members. We take an inclusive approach to our activities; and are dedicated to being open to all members of the Australian community and to ensuring the health, safety, and wellbeing of all of our Members and particularly Children and Young People.
We follow the below policies and procedures and have member protection information officers for support if you need to raise any concerns.
If you would like to have a chat to one of our Member Protection Information officers at any stage please email admin@sorrentoslsc.org.au and we can organize a time that suits you.
Complaints Procedures
Any matter relating to the abuse or suspected abuse of children and young people (CYP), under the age of 18, must be reported. If you believe there has been a breach of the Child Safe Policy (6.04), please report and submit details of the alleged breach in the SLS Reporting System. If criminal activity has occurred or if you believe a child is at immediate risk of harm or danger, contact the Police (call 000) to report the matter prior to submitting a report through the SLS Reporting System.
For other grievances or complaints, members should seek out their club Member Protection Information Officer (MPIO). Your MPIO will provide you with information about your rights, responsibilities and options. If after discussing the issue with your Club MPIO you wish to lodge a formal complaint this must be done through the SLS Reporting System.